2nd September 2024

Setting on a journey

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 I have a request to make. A simple one really. Please do not look to me for an explanation as you thread your own path through life. Too much responsibility to give to someone else. I have figured out that I no longer need to see the world unfold around me. Others have taken care of that. I watched a documentary about traveling through Egypt as many others have done and I have no need to stare at the pyramids nor sit on a boat as we head up the Nile. Or down. Take your pick. In the same way I will not be one of those people found on the upslope of Everest. I have little need to go there. I will take the time to read the reactions of others to their experience or watch videos they have produced but I will not be one of those who generate content for the world. At least I do not think so. If you have ever lived with a dog you quickly learn that the highest mountain in the house is often a bed. And the deepest lake is kept in a bathtub. Your dog will only go there if you are patient with him. I do wonder about those who endlessly chronicle their journeys. Do they not need to sit and remember where they have been? Where I live we have no mountains and the ocean is there to cross, not swim through. We have minor forests although they seem determined to cut them down. And right now the only dog climbing on my bed is a loaner. I spell that LOANER rather than LONER but I’m sure you knew that. We’re into a new month and I do not have to worry about the usual responsibilities of September. The leaves will fall as they may. Now you see why I am not a person to guide you on your life path. I cannot see where you want to go so I have little interest. And my own wandering outside is tempered by common sense.

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