28th August 2024

Afraid or frightened

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Let me start with the question of whether or not I have ever been scared. I’ll make it a division between afraid and startled. After thinking about it I will say no. I have lived a life relatively free of any kind of shock to my nervous system. I suppose if I lived in a different time and place that I would have had reason to fear that witch winter on around me but I have missed out on wars and attempts to cut off my head and all the other things that make history so interesting. I have not even had strong moments of nightmare which is probably a reflection of my diet and the calm of my home. But I do wonder what drives people to go watch television shows or movies that upset them. I have never been a big fan of movie fear. What would I do differently going forward? Nothing really. We do not need our night to be filled with fear. And as for being startled by things like loud noises or wild animals in the corner of the room I have had none of that. I keep my doors closed which allows the raccoon to wander around outside without ever coming into visit. Also having a dog around keeps the raccoons away or so I believe. My roof has never fallen in although those strong winds a couple years back made me wonder about that part. I have had no fires or floods or strong earthquakes. Once again a reflection of my lifestyle and where I live. Checking the historical record we do not do earthquakes in this part of the world. I live close enough to the sea level the floods are also a low risk and I try to keep the open flames away from my belongings.


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