29th July 2024

In the shallow end of the pool

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I really should have held to my original plan. Learning about where I would like to travel next. Instead I fell into the shallow end of the pool. Figuratively. On TV we have the Olympics. Today’s sport of choice fast swimming. I get the feeling it takes longer to announce the time of the wind that does to actually swim it. And the fault lies not with the swimmers nor the chronograph but with the commentary. People have been waiting for years to say everything they know about an individual sport or contestant. Do I really need to know that that person placed fourth in a match six years ago? Not really. I would be better off to turn off the sound and imagine what’s going on. After all they are swimming in lanes and they’re all going to the same destination. How last can I get. I think we should add something to these events. Having them swim with dogs might be an idea. It would also up the speed of the events I’m sure although the dog might get distracted by all the chatter in the stands. Seeking the eventual treat. You can tell they do not watch sports often. I think the commentary is a disease rather than a cure. And the Olympics are just a way to prove to the rest of the world that you can say anything you want about anything because there is no fact checking going on. People are much more interested in the event on the screen. I did hear that there is an event called speed walking and that is more my speed. If I can find it. It could give me ideas on how to get from point A to point B without falling over. Besides that it’s a wonderful day outside one of the hottest in a long time.

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