25th July 2024

The Rust Belt

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Not going to lie. Some of my high school courses were better than others. I fondly remember something taken in my final year when I studied about how cities evolve. The catchy title was urban geography. We had a keen teacher. Fresh out of college. And what he did was had us survey our own community to see how things had evolved over a period of a couple of centuries. Going house to house trying to put a birth date on the property. What I learned as a take away was that towns and cities do evolve. What my family new is now quite different. And from there I will move to something I watched this afternoon. I ended up in one of those rabbit holds where I visited a small steel town summers in the Rust Belt. I recalled a movie called Deer Hunter and I suspect that it was made in this part of the world. Wonderful houses that over time have changed vocations. Note that the houses are probably still standing because tearing down something it’s almost as much work as putting it up. The point of the video was to let anyone who was interested know that properties still evolve. In this case classic homes mutating into restaurants because that’s what the market will bear. When the narrator mentioned that someone will buy a half dozen properties tear down almost all of them and then try to maximize the value of a single place it made so much more sense. The evolution of a town if you will. And now I also want to rewatch that movie given that it took place at a time. When I was barely aware of where people lived. I want to see if my impressions have stayed with the test of time. I can do that I suppose. And as for the Rust Belt the majority of those factories have rusted away. Hence the name.

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