2nd June 2024

Too much food

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For now we’re we’re parked up in a small RV place not far from Deer Lake. We stayed here coming up and this seems to be a perfect spot to just relax. We did take some sort of a bridge across the lake so I know there’s water in the region. Hard to believe we were back home by the weekend. If the current plan holds out we will stop close to the ferry terminal tomorrow night catch our ride the following morning. Once back on the mainland we have a reservation at the same spot we stayed coming out. Easy to go for places that you know. We went for breakfast, this morning and a place that is called Big Stop something and their menu offered a Big Breakfast. I should be careful because this was clearly too much food for me. From where I sit a small farm was decimated to provide me everything on my plate including baloney because we notice that it is an important ingredient in this part of the world. The weather was gray and wet all the way from there to here. I guess we’re in a rainy spell. It should be warmer though because otherwise that rain would be snow. In retrospect we have been fortunate all systems have worked well and that the only nights we have been cold have been our own fault. We have not been wet nor have we been seriously inconvenienced by the climate. Hey, some people are even getting to mow their lawns around here three weeks behind home. So far almost no large wildlife on the roads. We knew that was a possibility and if you can’t see them you can’t hit them. Not something we want to do. Standby ’cause the trip isn’t done yet. There are miles to go before we sleep as one famous poet put it.

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