15th May 2024

Land with a new time

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Today we made another move from 1 province to another. This one was a big move. It started with us finding our way to the ferry terminal and into their parking area. With large fairies, nothing happens quickly. We were there for hours. The best moment was when a crew member kinda convinced a trailer being told by an RV to go up a steep ramp and then realized immediately that I was not where he wanted to go. Trying to convince a timid RV to backup with no visibility it’s hilarious. Also nothing that I ever want to do myself. But all things come to those who wait and we were finally on a moving vessel. Off to more adventures. This cruise was long enough that we rented a cabin. A very small cabin but one they had a bed and a TV in the bathroom and all the other comforts that you would call homey. In fact I stayed there for most of the afternoon until we decide to go for the last call for supper. Someone had realized that I was trying to navigate a very large vessel deck and gave us the assurance that when time came to leave the vessel someone would come and find us. And they did. This went well except that I would not want to do it without assistance. Too many tripping hazards. We came on land in the new land sometime before dark. We use the GPS to navigate away from the Wharf area and get us to a small provincial park where we already had reservations. All has gone well and this is the third Word May 4th province of our trip. Actually I’m starting to lose count. But with Wi-Fi running and darkness coming I will settle down for the evening and get a good night’s sleep. Stress relief after a day with a certain amount of uncertainty. Vacations are sometimes like that. I did watch a movie I had not seen before which is sort of a plus the third in a series. Good music. Unfortunately i did not see any of the actors involved. But that is my problem. Now I am settling down for the night, in a new place with a new time.

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