11th May 2024


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I overhear a lot of conversations. This morning, one coming from Australia. I should paraphrase the conversations were between two or more birds. I understand them no more or less than birdseye here on my front step. But one was a kookaburra and that touches me personally. You see during my first year of teaching I had the responsibility to showcase music for children. Including the hit Laugh Kookaburra Laugh. I had almost forgotten the song. Life gets away from you. And no, I have never met or seen a kookaburra although life goes on. Why are there no songs about Blue Jays in conversations? A missed opportunity if you ask me. We have several that sit aside and shout all day long. I can usually tell when a hawk is in the area because they up the volume. I wonder do hawks and jays understand one another. Actually we hear a lot of life outside. There are those three foxes that showed up and are sleeping next to each other. Why can’t they whisper? Actually most of the other livestock around here, excuse me life wildlife around here, is fairly quiet. Well behaved. I do notice that when I hear wildlife on TV I pay more attention. Birds chirp everywhere. Foxes not so much. As for dogs they just bark that’s all they do. I should go looking for wilder conversations. An afternoon of elephants could be interesting or maybe, the chatter from home coming fishing boats. I have a radio.

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