Relevance through common points
I believe that learning history is valuable. To me. What I have to do now is find a way to make any given piece of history more relevant to me and my background. Some things come simply. The dinosaurs were gone long before I got here so no need to concentrate on that. I doubt that we will ever be in the presence of aliens. No need to worry about that. However throughout my life there is been a risk of mass destruction. Not from global warming. Not from rising sea levels. However, I did grow up during that. When we all believed that we would die in a nuclear Holocaust. Hiding under desks. And so I’ve started trying to learn a little more about those who were responsible if you will. Today, I watched a short documentary on the life of doctor O. He who invented the big bomb. And so far the only point of relevance that I have found is that we were both alive at the same time more or less. Not in the same place but during the 60s we were both out there. Starting simple. The documentary was interesting because it showed me how being a great scientist may take a lifetime as you fall in and out of favor. That’s it. Not much more to add. Our snow is gone again after a night of rain. The lawn mower is in the garage after inflating that tire. And we’re getting ready for a visit from the blue eyed boy. In four days apparently. In preparation I am trying to limit the number of biscuits I throw out on the lawn. Not for the blue eyed boy but for his competitors. Nameless. I guess I should pick my next documentary because I have a lot more touring.