13th November 2023

Public transit toys

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I found myself daydreaming about public transit today. No big plans to go any place but also no way to do so. I live in a bit of a desert when it comes to public transit. Anyhow insight over the different ways I’ve used to get from place to place in my short life. If we start with the automobile there has always been one in the yard. However occur does not last forever. In fact their life tends to be rather short. Disposable if you will. I did spend several decades riding the city bus there a vehicle would be good for a couple of decades tops. I think the seats wear out. Most of the airplanes I’ve taken we’re reasonably new. A couple of decades and the companies move on to something lighter and faster and better. We have some marine transportation around here but where would I go? I do watch one boat sail past pretty much every day. But again where would I go? And then it came to me. If I had to invest money in a vehicle that would last for a long time I would follow the lead of the government and purchase a train set. Not sure why but a lot of the coaches that I traveled on when I was much younger are still in service. For the main part they were built before I was ever born. I cannot address conditions in other countries but here in Canada we try to keep everything going as long as we can and trains fit that pattern. Low friction and good motors and seats are used for short periods of time by any individual. Unless of course you decide to travel across the country which can take the better part of a week. But I do not know anyone that can afford to do that. And what about the bicycle? Well what about the bicycle? Great for going next door but all the long hauled stuff depends on the motor and I am a very unreliable motor. I know, random thoughts.

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