19th October 2023

Spectator sports

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It all comes down to your culture. For millions the abject pleasure in watching for example a hockey game can absorb all of their spare time. They will tell you over and over again how entertaining it is to see the play by play. Some will even listen to it on the radio when video is not available. Seeing that whole game in their head. I have never been drawn into this web. However, I take great joy in watching what happens on the news. In particular political news. We are now years deep into the big game coming from South of the border. Each week brings new details to a story that seems to be taking a very long time to unfold. However, we’re all waiting for the big goal to be scored. And it’s getting closer. I can only wonder how this all will play out. Will they get the game finished before the next big election? Probably not. Too many twists and turns. But for those who think that hockey is exciting, I invite you to tune in to the news. You can dress in your fame favourite team sweater if you wish. I don’t have one. Nor do I need to visit the arena and smell stale beer and popcorn. I can just sit back and watch the news. And I am not alone. I am sure that the number of people being drawn into the deep dark corners of political intrigue far outnumber those who get caught up in a single hockey game. Or baseball game. We are drawn into the big show and from where I sit, no game is more interesting than that of watching the rich and the powerful politicians go at it. Stick handling galore. If ever I get a chance to own a sweater maybe I will. Not necessary but it could be a nice keepsake. I wonder what colours will be involved. Probably red, white and blue.

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