26th September 2023

After the repairs

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This morning we had no place to go and no way to go there. So, we watched TV. Morning programs are strange. Almost like amateur hour where are the hired hosts have little to say and no particular talent in doing so. However, around lunchtime we realized that the next move was up to us. So, we went for a walk. A fairly long one in the heart of the industrial city. Took us at least 1/2 hour. What I learned is that a big city may pay a lot of attention to the streets, but the sidewalks are a mess. There is no particular harmonization between curb heights and corners and crossings. In many ways it was a true exercise. Once at the dealership we were taken to their comfortable waiting room give him bottles of water and then allowed to wait patiently well they actually did the repairs. We could see them through the door, so it was real. I am not sure what this will actually cost because there was a complication. There is a huge labour strike in the automotive industry and as a result parts are not available in a timely manner. We are offered the other option of sourcing from an outside company and then submitting our vouchers for reimbursement. It sounds good and we’ll see how it comes to play in practice. Before the end of the working day, they had completed the repairs, and we were off for more road time. All the way to my son’s driveway where we did another night of camping. Quite comfortable despite the low temperature. Around 6 degrees, I think.

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