22nd September 2023

A change of key

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There are things I never thought I’d see myself doing. Today for example I walked up the Main Street in town with my fancy white king and tried to figure where I was based on very old memories. The streets haven’t changed that much but every store along the way has with possibly one exception. We ended up for whatever reason in a jewelry store which is where I had gone to buy my school ring I have century ago I considered asking if a replacement was still available but since the school is also gone I figured that would be pushing my luck. Tonight was a family meeting again with many new faces. Small faces. I was asked to shave so they would recognize me. Given that they’ve never seen me that was kind of a pipe dream little matter when we get back to the van tonight already to go to bed it was discovered that we had the wrong set of keys. Too many people and small place hanging things up for security sake and so she who is in charge of my life had to go back and get the right ones no big deal I just stayed outside pretending to be invisible because that’s what you do when you’re in a parking lot with bright lights go like a large animal and stay calm. I spent some time talking to my niece about how things have changed in terms of technology. 3D printing in the music classroom. Full mids instruments to do wind ensemble. Life is not as it used to be. And there’s not much I can add to that it was a beautiful fall day and I profited from it because that’s what you’re supposed to do with those kind of days. It could have been much worse right?

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