27th August 2023

Waisting my time and their money

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I am the first to admit that I do not understand the rules behind advertising. There’s a good reason I guess why others do not come to me for advice. Too many mysteries. Take as a point that YouTube provides ads. All good all logical. I mean I might need a new car someday. But I am confused by the recent ads by someone who would like to be the Prime Minister of Canada. These are very much the kind of ads you would present if you were trying to convince people of this was the best candidate for your country. Except that he’s not. He is the candidate in a single small riding where he is not lost an election in years. He will be reelected. And that will not automatically make him the next prime minister of canada. For that he has to have a lot of aid. A lot of other people who are also elected in their writings. And his add talking about his first job as a paper boy is not going to do it for him. Perhaps he received advice from someone with experience in another part of the world. You know, like down south of here. But for me his ads are a waste of time and money. My time and his money. If I ever figure out how to simply block the ads I will do so. And when my local candidate comes up for reelection these ads will not affect my choice at all. Just a thought. Maybe I do need a new car and YouTube has figured that part out. You know a car that i will never actually drive just like I will never actually vote for the Prime Minister of Canada. I am collateral damage in all cases.

This entry was posted on Sunday, August 27th, 2023 at 16:04 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 300 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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