13th August 2023

Keeping tracks of the begats

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For some reason the keepers of the keys over at YouTube are convinced that I need to learn more about history. They’re not wrong. My high school history was a long time ago and very vague. But what I’m learning is that England in particular had a lot of Henry. As in Henry who begat Henry who begat Henry who fought and then begat another Henry. Hard to tell one from the other especially since some of it happened a very long time ago. Today on the menu Henry 6. Now how long ago was this? Well Columbus had not yet sailed into view and here in Canada we were still 200 years out from our first invaders. In other words these henrys never came to Canada but they certainly had an effect upon us. I think they handled things differently back then. In the case of Henry 6 he was to put it mildly a bit of an imbecile. The easiest way to become leader of the country was to take Henry as a guest. We’re not supposed to say hostage. So you marched in a town with a couple of 1000 armed men and took the king home with you to put him in your version of a jail. And a short while later the other team would march back with their 2000 men and take Henry home with them a bit like chess. I imagine no-one  told us what Henry thought of the whole affair. I’m not going to spend much of my life studying old history but I am puzzled by the fact that our school system thought it was so important for me to know which Henry begat which Henry. I can count and it seems quite logical that one begat two. That is how it works. And we no longer worry about such things. There is a new king in town whose name is Charles 3. I notice that one and two lost their heads literally that’s the way history works.

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