8th July 2023

Back in familiar territory

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Today we crossed another provincial border. It’s funny, that section in Quebec that seems to be taking decades to get finished yet it’s only 100 kilometres long. I wonder if I’ll ever see it completed. We made our trip across the bridges into the big city, and I realized how much I traveled by remembering where I’ve been. I could not see what was around me other than brief glimpses from time to time of a building front or a corner or other familiar sights. It’s almost sad to think they’ll never see this link big city again the way I have before. But so be it today we’re honest another small island here to camp and go to summer theatre. Which we just did. I knew people in cast. I knew people in the audience. I was really struck most of all by the number of other people carrying weight cans. A busload. They’re getting by so will I. I spent some time talking with another gentleman who has trouble hearing getting manage is. There are lessons to be learned here. And so tonight I will try to sleep a little easier.

Since my intention is to use this as a journal of what happens on the day to day basis, whether interesting or not, let’s talk about my supper. We went to an outdoor restaurant where I had a feat of poutine. Taste just like all the other times. What an act of culinary courage.

It was also fun to have my son driving us in the old family car. Seemed much larger and cleaner than when we had it.

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