A seasonal rotation
Still using this as an almanach. In simpler terms, a list of what has been done, by date. Yes, I can search for details, and I probably will. My memory isn’t as infallible as it once was.
So, today, the car got the winter tires installed. Not a difficult task, given that we have the rims and tires matched and stored. Drive up to see the man with all the tools, come back later and put the summer set into storage. Done. No more need to think about it for another five-plus months. Certainly, my schedule is open ended, in case winter drags on (it will).
We’re already considering our options for another season. That spring-summer stretch that turns travel into something entertaining. Plus, it gives us a full winter to consider our options. Dream.
One big move, here in the house. We called the media people and admitted that our TV habits have changed. Don’t need to have that satellite antenna, or the video recorder that we have never used. Told the agent that one of us no longer sees the utility. Short and sweet, and we’ll get stickers to return the rental gear. My sigh was audible. They can be so picky and sticky when the idea of retention is possible. When you cannot see, the option is invalid. Good end to a service that never entertained in the classic sense.
The snow from earlier this week is gone. Completely. I knew it was a precursor.
And my antenna work is (still) on the to do list. I now have a longer steel rod, and a big sledge to drive home my point.