21st August 2024

A famous man in a small town

I believe in the law of 6° of separation. There are many people who are not related to me by blood but who I can say I know who they are. Like one of the more famous singers in our country. I never met the man but I lived in the same town. And it turned out that his girlfriend in high school went on to become a teacher. My teacher period period two different years in high school. That is a connection you know period. As well I was in high school with one of his cousins. And his uncle worked in the same factory that I was at during a two summer. That is also a connection. Oh, and i know where he grew up because I passed by the house each day on the way to high school. This was a small town after all. Now he’s gone and he has a couple of statues and people associate his name with that town. But I know there’s more to the story. I also lived in I town and although I am not as famous that’s not what 6° of separation is all about. We take our connections where we can find them and we hold them close because most of us never become famous other than in our own minds. Actually I have no urge to have a statue with my name on it. All I want is for people to know that I know. Who I am and where I lived and who taught me. The small details that make up a life. No if I was to do things over again what would I add? Well going to one of the concert would have been nice but they were in a different place in a different time. I did not go to concerts then or now. But I can still sing some of the songs that were sung by other people and I can still pretend that I could have been there. The myths of our lives I guess.

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