Something new to learn every day. I have been living with the weather station for about two decades or more and I thought I knew most of its tricks. Today however I found the belly of the beast full of water. Let me explain. There is a rain gauge into which fresh rain falls think of it as an inverted cone. At the bottom a small hole. And this is where the problem arose for some reason the rain did not flow out the last time. It’s simply collected in the cone and when I went down to check on things, I found that I had a pot of water. No big deal. I made the mechanism flush and I listened to the tick tock of the drips falling down on the little measuring tool inside the box. Out of sight out of mind of course. But I have to mention this is the first time in two decades that I’ve had to do such a thing. I do not know what actually was in the hole at the bottom. It could be a seed or an insect or something worse. It is gone now, and I will check that cone from time to time. More thing to worry about. I keep hoping as I get older that there will be less things to fret over but that would be hoping for too much. In any case if you’re one of the people is from watching my rainfall and it seems a little odd that’s the reason the next time it rains perhaps overnight you will get an updated exact reading because the instrument is exact when it works and very very inexact when it doesn’t. I could have collected that water for other purposes but instead I let it fall on the ground somebody will profit from that or something I live in nature. And we are not in a drought season by any means
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I miss the good old days. Back when stormy weather meant a snowstorm that could keep you to school for a day or two. Back when bad water meant to warm. I agree I have been lucky I have known a lifetime without war or pestilence or any of the other things that made history so interesting. But I still worry. About a year ago we had our first face to face with the hurricane. A real one. And now any possibility of something like that causes stress. There is a storm coming. Almost a week away and we do not know if it will come this way or just close by the stress is real. I have things I’d like to do with my life but right now I mean what people call a holding pattern waiting to see what happens next. And that whole waiting thing is not good. Yes I miss the old days when the risk was snowstorm was the biggest thing in my life. And there will be other snowstorms. Probably in the next few months. But until then I have to wait for what the forecast people say will happen or not happen. Funny how they get away with that. Just throw it out there and tell us to deal with it. I know full well is standing in front of the window and watching will change nothing. Nor will hiding in the basement make things go away. I have considered the idea but then there’s food and water and all the stuff that we need to make the day go by better. What if the roof leaks or window breaks or wild animals come around looking for food I guess I should go back to hiding my head. Put on some good music and listen. And if worse comes to worse add go outside and get blown around by the wind.
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Stress levels were high here this morning. A mission critical kind of day. Early alarm to get the coffee out and attempts to silence the bird who lives in a box in our kitchen. Making sure that all the devices were ready including a web browser an inactive cell phone. No, we were not trying to score Taylor tickets. Nothing quite so interesting. This was an attempt to get seats on a shuttle bus in one of the national parks. And it required a lot more technology than I would have ever guessed. Remember, I was an innocent bystander in this whole event. The deal is as follows. Tickets are available in a 3 minute window. Very limited numbers. You have to have an account and when you do get through the maze you will be sent an authentification code because that is how the government rolls nowadays. If you miss your shot, you walk. And they have bears out there. Please do not be distracted by the wail of a fog horn in the distance. Actually the process seems to have gone flawlessly and there are now tickets for two people on a bus this weekend. But is all this really necessary? Could they not simply use a larger bus or double up? After all, it works for students. I guess getting from point A to point B has become a game and somewhere civil servant is saying job well done. I think we should get trophies for participation in their game. Or at least a T-shirt. Imagine if this catches on and you have to go through all this to get a seat on your city bus. It could happen in a city near you.
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Our community just lost one of the better ones. We do not have an excess of people here so when you lose a good citizen the whole community suffers. This was someone who went out of his way to make others do better. Not exactly a teacher although he certainly was that, but someone who would take and push you to try something that you had not thought you could do yourself; community action mainly. We become complacent and we sit back waiting for others to take the role be it as politician or teacher or whatever. When someone does it just because they can others are taken back. They do not know how to react to someone who is simply there for their good. He will be missed. In passing if you have a chance to be tested for signs of cancer do so. You won’t always know that things are wrong until they really are. Public health does what it can but it does require that you as a member of the community take the time to do the test and send the test results back. Please.. Remember we need all the members of our community to make it through. The good will overcome the bad as they say. And if someone who is a positive actor leaves the stage early, the rest of the play will suffer. I do not know what else to add. This was unexpected and it cannot be changed. Leo was both a leader and an inspiration to others.
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For those of you who grew up with lead pencils, you may remember the sense of joy when you brought a fresh new crayon to school. Such potential. An eraser that was complete. A whole pencil without teeth marks. Full length. And of course that would start to change then the first day. Once you sharpen the pencil it was already visibly shorter. Once you corrected the inevitable error the eraser was no longer full. And of course, the constant risk that your pencil would be stolen and moved to another row. Even tooth marks were not enough to identify your pencil. We have a valved. Today is moving day. Not in the sense of a new location but in the sense of a newer device. My data has moved from one machine to another and I have a fresh battery that will need to be charged but not as often. The actual moving is always stressful just like in real life. Well all of my data come over? Will I remember my passwords? Unlikely but I always hope. Will I figure out the new gestures needed to define things like erase in full screen and all the rest of it. The world of the tablet. I am making progress and I have completed my first language exercise. No worse than any other time. And I look forward to having a battery that lasts more than a couple of hours. As I said progress in the sense that we now do these things by plugging into the wall. Who would have thought of this back in the days when a yellow pencil was the best and only tool available.
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If my parents have been less diligent I could be really unfriendly. Not nasty but sometimes. I have a person that calls here on a regular basis. I do not know the person and it is consistently a wrong number. I confirmed that the person being sought is not has not and will not be here but I am so tempted sometimes to turn the other cheek. Imagine the fun I could have if I was to produce a new life for the person being called. Something that goes beyond the question if the tea is ready, because it is not at least at this address. What if I was to asked the person calling to wait for a moment while I get the other person out of bed? Would it raise questions? Now again I am kind I will not resolve this situation by making it any worse. But I could. If you call someone consistently and the number is always a wrong number what does that suggest? Maybe you need to update your directory or your automatic calling feature or something else because although it’s nice to hear from someone I don’t know the T is not has not and will not be on. Sorry to disappoint. And as for the person being called who never receives these calls what do they assume? Has their friend simply gone to another part of the world? Will they ever meet up again? I am doing my best by suggesting that this is not the right answer to the call and saying that I know who the person is and that person is not here but how can I improve it. Impossible for me to re direct the call because if you keep calling my number you have a wrong number not me mine is fine.
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I’m not sure how you make a judgment but I think I’ve become an actual senior citizen. Today I was introduced to someone else from the area. In this case our parents knew each other and we had a common set of places in our backstories. When I was much younger this would have been of little interest but as I said, I think I’m getting older I will have to do some more research but there apparently is a set of handwritten documents that details things that happened up here in this area almost a lifetime ago. Although I can no longer read them they have been digitized and they now want to know what did people do in those days before my time what did people do when travel was long and difficult and when you had to plan for things like winter. As I said I am getting older. I am now at the point where I want to know what is around me not just who is around me. I want to know if a penguin comes ashore. You know climate change and all that. I want to know what will happen if and whenever older landmarks should disappear. I suspect that they will not be really replaced and all that there will be left are our memories. Best to make sure those memories are clear and recorded and kept intact for those that come after me. Like my children or my cousins. So much work left to do. Time for me to check with the rest of my family and see what they can add to my story.
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With too much time on my hands. I’ve been sitting here remembering some of the most valuable books I ever bought. Not valuable in terms of dollar value but in perception. I am referring to the different dictionaries I purchased along the way in different languages and different interests : English, French, Latin, Spanish, Irish, music. Yes! I even had a music dictionary required in university. I thought that my world was made when I got my first real Oxford. But oddly about this same time I stopped using dictionaries. Not that I read everything, but the Internet arrived and with it the need to search endlessly for meanings and pronunciations and spellings evaporated. If I came even close my web browser will put me on the right track. And so the dictionaries move to their own place on the back of the bookshelf. What brought me here today? Well watching a video both the evolution of English. English is a living language and a growing language and the changes in my own lifetime or substantial. Why do you know I no longer need a dictionary? Probably I do but I have become stubborn and if I can’t figure word out I will simply go to the net and find the answer. The idea of thumbing through volumes in alphabetical order is a thing of the past. I’m not even sure if my children own dictionaries. I mean they probably do but they’ve grown up in the world that I have and they have the same modern tools as I do. I’m sure they have evolved too being second find a meaning without taking a book down from the shelf. I don’t know what this holds for the history of learning or what it holds for bookstores or anything else. They are all part of my past and from now on I will simply ask someone beside me how to spell something. Remember with the web browser you do not need to be exact
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I am slowly coming to terms with a simple fact. I am not as well educated as I had hoped. Despite a lifetime in pursuit of knowledge I keep coming across things that seem to have slipped into the floorboards. I cannot blame those that design the curriculum in my high school. They probably did their best. And yet. Today I looked at a book that I have not read. There are so many but this one holds a special corner in most bookshelves. I am talking of course of the Canterbury Tales. I have not read the book. I did not understand the language then or now and I did not realize that what we have on our shelves is only a portion of the whole collection. Blame history. The little that I didn’t know was that this was supposed to be tales from a voyage. Almost like a bus tour if you will. A collection of people who normally would not be in each others company forced to spend time together. And so according to the prologue they spent their time telling tales. We will never know if these were tall tales or truths but they help to examine the fabric of a society. Not my society. Something which happened centuries before my birth. But such things take a long time to filter down an even longer time to fade away. Society still has rolls and people still travel and people still tell stories. The great truth of our culture. Will this push me to read the text? No I keep hoping for a movie version. One produced according to the state-of-the-art with the best of characters. However I doubt that will happen in my lifetime or yours. Details may be universal but nobody really cares anymore. None of us are going to go on a long trip to a church.
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This afternoon we added another appliance to our household menagerie. Technically a dehumidifier. It has been a long time since the last one. From what I remember almost three decades. We have changed locations and houses but moisture is a constant here in Canada. We’re not dealing with an overabundance of water. This is simply caution at a cost. Buying something like this requires a sense of space. How large is the area and will drainage be a problem. Probably not. This box will sit by itself at night and in the morning the levels in the collection bin will be checked. If there is too much water it will simply be dumped outside. No fuss, no mess. I keep thinking about all the other things we can do with it when it’s not in service. We can put it in the basement which is dry and see if it is really dry. We can put it in the garage which is dry and see if it’s really dry. We can place it outside which would be a silly move because we know how wet that area is. And we can loan it to anybody else that is having an emergency. Good neighbors and all that. Sure beats getting out the towels and wiping up after ourselves. In the other house we were built on stone and moisture was an issue. Here we’re up high with constant wind and I do not think that the appliance will be overworked. As I said, just another tool in the household menagerie.
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