Insufficient magic to satisfy younger tastes
A little fantasy goes a long way, in the world of the TV producer. This evening, CTV has begun telecasting another purchase from BBC. Merlin comes with the kind of budget a CanCon production can only dream about, along with a palette of new talent mixed with old. Unfortunately, the story has been painted with brushstrokes best used in a cheap cartoon. The family has already voted after the first hour. No magic will save this one.
I started the assembly of our new roof rack this afternoon, armed with knowledge from the various reviews and forum insights. Including one important detail; that the long bolt is easy to cross-thread while setting up the rack feet. No lie. I’ve been back to my dealer, and now the only important detail is how much a replacement part is going to cost.
Today marks twenty-three years on my virtual tandem bicycle. Congratulations are in order from friends and family for not having tipped over. One question, received from afar, asked “Who gets to sit in front?”. The response is simple. “The one with the better eyesight”. Think about it.
The seasons march on, and today marks the summer solstice. Or as those of us with a bit of age know all too well, we’re back on the road to winter. There should be a few more warm days (and nights) before then, but as far as the sun is concerned, life is in regression. I’ve learned that we can’t even go camping until we come up with (another) new air mattress, which adds another detail to those lengthening nights.