Just another loss for the team
Here is a story with short legs. Yesterday there was a hockey game. Happens a lot I think. But in this case the president of the US took the time to make a big deal about how his team was going to win. Called the team before the game. Told the press that this was just a precursor to Canada becoming the 51st state. A total victory for his team. Which it wasn’t. In reality these were all players from the NHL. Not a team. Just a scrimmage. And those wearing the sweaters from the US last. Within hours the story had disappeared from all public view. As if the boast had never been made. As it should be. This was a nonsense moment in American history. But with a president who can do no wrong I’m sure that some people did go to their local betting shop and put money on the odds that his team was going to win. Money is so fleeting. And, hockey will go on. No countries changed hands. No borders redrawn. Just a post by someone who does nothing but boast. A sad reflection of how things are going. Meanwhile our premier has resigned. Almost without notice. And the story will not last long because we have a very tiny population. But it just does serve as a juxtaposition of how those who boast do not always express reality and those who are in place as politicians do not stay around forever and ever. You can mark the date on your calendar as just another date. Given that we will be getting a new premiere as of tomorrow we should also expect to have a few other ministers change portfolios. That might be the only news we will have on the local station. Certainly nothing about a hockey game that was last.