Hunting locally
There is a new bird hanging out in the driveway. It might be a ring-necked and it might be a red-neck. I cannot clearly see. However given that I live among people who watch birds I’ve learned that there are some things you really should not say even in jest. For example getting out the recipes for roast pheasant do not go over well. Right up there with roast rabbit. I am unable to decide whether or not wanting to eat the animals in my area is a good or bad thing. I can remember when people kept animals around just for that reason. Be it a calf or a piglet you could imagine it as a meal. That was normal. Now not so much. To be fair I have never had to pluck a bird. There must be some trick involved and someone told me once that boiling water is involved. Again I have no direct experience. For me the bird that goes into my oven comes ready for the job. Same thing for the restaurants that sell me such products. No need to learn how to pull out the feathers before starting supper. As for the bird visitors in the driveway apparently they will eat sunflower seeds. That is almost a generalized thing around here because the fox also enjoys them and the squirrels and just what every other animal that shows up on the doorstep. Hay! even I ate some flower seeds back in the day. In small quantities. Mainly for the salt. We choose our food according to what is available. Forget the products that are common in other parts of the world. We go with that which we can find close by. For the record I will not be eating fox anytime soon. But that bird with the ring-neck had better watch where it walks. I have watched cartoons and I know that a wooden box and a piece of wood and a string will get me a meal. Based on my patience.