Big step forward
Time to put an end to this trip. We are home and the van has been unpacked. We have put all the food back in the fridge and we are now getting set to turn back into our usual home bodies. Arriving on our road was without climax. The only thing I noticed was at the store now, they had an access ramp that wasn’t there the last time I had looked. We are so fortunate to have all the comforts we have. Catching up on the news I realize that in many parts of the world, life is tough. Not just difficult. I cannot imagine what it must be like to wait for the next battle to begin in a war where you have no role to play. Not even as a spectator. You just hope that you will not suffer from collateral damage. Here we are able to travel openly and go to stores when we want and never face a military checkpoint. All things that are considered as a new normal for others. In fact the toughest thing in my day is deciding when to go back to bed. Pretty easy when measured against the life of others. I have been advised they should try to offer less detail on my life from 50 years ago I will try but my story is not just mine. There are other people involved and they may not want to be characters in a minor screenplay for a movie that will never be made. Just a thought. After all we are not always the masters of our own story. Despite what we learn in high school. I blame my English teachers for that part. For the stuff we take along a vacation. Place for everything if you will we now have places for everything when we return from the road trips.