25th September 2024

Local bands

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Very few musicians ever achieve fame and or fortune. We can all name someone who got to the top but along the way others try. I will not say fail because they probably took great pleasure from their time in the limelight. In my high school where there were close to 2000 people I can remember two. The proverbial one in 1000. One of them, Paul, was the sound of the Doors and I think they were his inspiration anytime he got on stage. I never saw him on stage but I was young. The other, Ian, went a step further. He started a band and found the name in the back pages of a large dictionary in a foreign language. This band also had a logo which adorned the covers of their notebooks in school and they had actual flyers printed up. If you’re going to do a band think big. Once again I did not get to see them perform but they were a local legend in our local high school. And that is pretty much how any band starts out I think. I wonder if I had managed to get my own instrument if I would have followed a similar path. Probably not because I had other aims for my life. But I do think back and remember that there were those who made the effort. I wonder where they are now? In the case of Paul I saw his name many years later in a list of Canadian rock musicians which means that he managed to get beyond the boundaries of our city. As for Ian I think he married and found a job in local industry. Music is a dream but not always a way to feed yourself.

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