13th September 2024

Avoiding being a historical figure

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Be careful out there. Try not to overthink things. You slipped into a moment of introspection and suddenly you find that you have changed. You are now a legend in your own mind. Not what you want. Leave becoming a legend to others. Think of all the occasions we have to be in front of a group of people and jump to the assumption that they know who we are. Classroom teachers do it all the time even if their students have never heard them sing or seen them dance watch some try to draw a mouse. We come with all kinds of assumptions about ourselves that are not met in the minds of others. If by chance you do become legendary try to do it for a good reason. Perhaps you do not want a page in a history book if it does not make you someone that you would like to be. I am not famous. If you are reading these words put it down to chance. Or you are related to me. And the fewer moments there are for others too guess at who I am the fewer occasions there are to put on a coat that does not fit. I have been listening to a lot of history recently the history of others. And in almost all cases the person other tension and end information and the centre of it all would probably like that to be elsewhere. Now this is probably a case where there will have to be some everything done because I realized that when I cannot see or hear what I am doing I will tend to go off in directions that were not planned. Less chance of becoming famous I suppose. In other incidents from today I have refilled one of my gas bottles. For the bubbly water. And I am doing it all by listening rather than seeing. Title avoiding being a historical figure

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