3rd September 2024

The chips

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Consider the potato. We have a lot of them locally and they are found in the ground. Hidden gold if you will. We do not eat them raw. That is frustrating. Instead we bake them or boil them or fire them. And if you are really looking for a treat you take a single potato and slice it into thin layers. As many as you can manage with the thickness of a piece of paper as your goal. Prepare of that of hot oil and carefully place your slices into the bubbling liquid. Carefully remember. In a matter of minutes you will have something that is worth being given to all and sundry. I will not go into nutrition here per. These are designed to be flavoured. I have never visited a potato chip factory but it must be amazing. To find so many ways to add a diverse palette of flavours to something that will then be consumed year round cold or hot. From where I sit these qualify as miraculous. We need to celebrate potato chip in measured quantities. Do not go crazy here because you will grow as you enjoy. Just be aware that the potato now has added value. I have seen a series of different sell formats. Rippled and curled and turned into sticks all equal in the and all good. In measured quantities. We actually do not have a potato chip factory here in the province which seems silly. Sending our potatoes fairfield to bring them back in a format that costs much more then it should. If the potato chip is a staple of our diet we should be able to keep the price down to a point where everyone can eat them when they want. Again no nutrition considered. I can remember the first potato chip bags and I know what we have now and they have in common that all do a dependable job of delivery. It takes a lot of space to ship a potato that has been so transformed. Be careful and do not crush them because although the powder would be delicious you lose the satisfying snap. Keep them dry.

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