3rd March 2024

Certain road rules

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In the world of transportation, we have one major divide; it comes down to the side of the road that you are supposed to travel on. We learn about this early on. Some nations have different ways of doing things. Simply put, they drive on the wrong side of the road, no pointing fingers at anyone. Anyhow we have been following the travels of a couple in a camper van. We picked up on their trip when they hit the East Coast of Canada then followed them across the United States up and down and up and down again from South to Central America. There’s been a sense of wonder about how they would get across what is known as the gap and it turns out that there is a way to do it by ship so far so good. However today the narrators threw a different situation at us; it turns out that in two or three small nations in Central America you are not allowed to travel with a right hand drive vehicle nothing to do with being on the right hand side of the road; these nations have decided for whatever reason that you cannot come into the country with a vehicle set up for travel in the United Kingdom or Australia or parts of Asia, forbidden of course. I wonder, do they allow vehicles that must have a right-hand drive like a garbage truck or certain utility vehicles. Now the narrators are not going to fight with anyone over this. They have simply booked passage further South into South America. They will avoid the problem but this vehicle has already been all over Europe at all over North America and I’m left to wonder how many other enclaves of stubborn bureaucracy exist. No plan to move there with their van, this was just passage through the country. Anyhow, I will pick up with their trip in a week or so when they’ve had a chance to get from where they are to where they want to go so they can continue heading South to Argentina. Not a trip I am likely to ever make but I have a certain curiosity about the whole thing. Right now they are in the country where I get my coffee, sort of, and we will not be visiting any coffee plantations. But in a spiritual sense, I can say to myself that I have been there.

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