10th February 2024

Cold and delicious

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One of the staples in my diet is cold milk. I have been drinking milk forever. As a very young baby my father bought a cow. At least I assume he bought it. It could have been a loner from a neighbour but we had a small barn and a daily routine that brought milk to the kitchen. Unpasteurized with cream. It was so good I think. Anyhow as I grew older the delivery mechanism changed. There were the glass bottles that came in by train. Not everyone had that luxury. At one point after a visit from a traveling salesman we began a regime of powdered milk. Not the best product, believe me. But I survived. As we changed locations, from province to province, the delivery mutated. We had home delivery in bottles followed by huge plastic jugs. Four quarts in a red handle. And then I went off to university where milk was on constant tap in the cafeteria big boxes. I know this because when the machines would go dry I would go out back to the kitchen and look for a refill. Not going to let this supply run short because they were too busy. And so it continued. For a number of years milk came in plastic bags. If you were careless you could make the floor very wet. Something you only did once or twice. During a winter on a small island, milk came in tiny cardboard cartons. This was milk with a very long shelf life and it tasted that way. Once I escaped I never looked back. And now, here I am. Decades later milk comes in, in cartons or jugs, two liters at a time. I have never faced sour milk but on an unforgettable moment I did not read the label and discovered the buttermilk is best used for making biscuits. Anyhow, there you have it. I do not suffer from lactose intolerance obviously. Because the milk comes without cream I have not tried to make butter but I have kept a culture of yogurt very much alive for a number of seasons I probably should start that up again. Healthy option, although I would miss the fresh fruit that comes in today’s product from the store. Have I found other things to do with milk? No. I was never a great fan of powdered chocolate milk also; although finding the toy at the bottom of the box was a highlight. A small submarine.

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