2nd January 2024

My mystery food group

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There’s so much I still need to learn. I have been eating food for all of my life and I have my own vocabulary for what I know, but I cannot begin to describe what is around me. I’ve learned that everything I ever knew about Curry is probably wrong. Not the taste. Not the colour. Rather the complexity. You see when I was younger I found it quite mysterious the spices made the world go round. Like most homes we have a small rack of glass jars with labels that told me absolutely nothing about what was inside. My person go to with salt. It was only after I had a family that I tried making my own Curry dish. Based entirely upon commercial jars that mimic the real complexity of the spice mix. I knew that it came in different colours but beyond that nothing. Today watching a video which is how I get most of my information now I learned that Curry is a name that covers something as broad as colour. There are many Currys and each one comes with its own set of flavours. I guess I’m going back to learning. Back to making small batches of Stew with different spice mixes to see if I can unlock a little what others around the world do. Will I know if I get it right? No. I will pass on what I learn to those in my family who might be interested and then I will go back to stiring and tasting in the hopes of trying to understand a subject as broad as the world is large. Salt, my old friend, you will have to join the others in the spice rack and you are going to lose your predominance. As I say I still have a lifetime to catch up. I think that my meals might be better as a result. And if I happen into a restaurant that sells a Curry dish I will use that as a learning opportunity. Time for me to move beyond red and green as flavour descriptions

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