Somethings may be working better
Please, do not believe what the ads tell you. For anyone that is purchased a smart TV, the TV is not smart. Rather you have a low level web browser pretending to do something useful. We have been trying for what seems like a very long time to get our TV to forget things that used to know. It is not going well. The Dirty word is cash. Not cash like the stuff you used to pay for it but rather cash like food hidden in the forest while you’re camping. The food never looked or tastes quite the same as before. Our TV knows that it is surrounded by networks and it seems to randomly choose which one it should listen to or attach to on any given day. So far so good. However, the smart TV has a well crafted web page as its sole. It lists wonderful sights and programs and other fun things to do with your smart TV and then as soon as you take your attention away it no longer can find its way from you to there. The good old days of one TV one channel are from a distant past. We now have a TV with the possibility of endless channels if only that browser can find its way there. I can accept that some things are not available at any given time but when the reference points to something, again, from before and then that little circle spins while it tries to find its way there you know that the model is broken not our human TV model the idea of a web browser as the way to navigate that endless supply of channels. At least there is usually YouTube which is serving as a blessing in otherwise dark time. We have subscriptions to a number of interesting alternate TV networks but our TV is not smart enough to go there twice in a row. Right now our TV is like a big bright tunnel and that seems so wrong. Why is it bright Why is there a tunnel? Why can’t we just get to I don’t know Disney or Brit Box when we want. We are nice people it is a TV that has twisted sense of spirit.