21st November 2023

Starting the next season

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And here we are. Our first snowfall of the season. For me, that strange sensation of going out with the ground below has changed. I had to take the blue bags out to the road and while doing so, I had to pay attention to my footing because the white stuff is slippery. We forget that little detail given how shortly ago it was summer. I’ve been outside since to re-fasten slash re-torque the wheels on the car. This time around nothing loose. That is how you want it to be. I have heard horrible stories from other people about the wheel going by as they drove along. That’s something on my ever want To Do List. This snow could all disappear. We’re still early. A month out from the holidays as they say. And we all know the risk of a green Christmas in this part of the world. But right now we leave tracks. Nothing to shovel but that also will come. This is just a taste. People have been talking about whether or not they see wasp nests in the trees. And the only image I have heard is that they’re high which according to folklore means deep snow before Spring. Is it true? No proof. Just folklore. But those who came before us paid careful attention to such things and if they say it will be, then it will be. Yes, I know the earth is warming but on a local scale we still pay attention to the tiny signs. I guess we should contact the neighbor who plows us out. Again still early but you have to be prepared for such things. I really don’t want to go shovel the lane anytime soon. Am I lazy? No, just wise.

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