18th November 2023

Basic skills

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As a self-directed learner I have come to realize two things. I am my own best student and my own worst teacher. Sure, some skills come quickly but others even with a lifetime never get to the point where you are satisfied. Lately I have been paying attention to music and speaking. Both are skills that I have to a certain degree but I’ve set the standard rather high. I have been listening to musicians of an international caliber and I realized that I will not be joining their ranks. As for speech I am getting better at understanding and we know that there comes a time when you need to find a better teacher then yourself. I can still read slowly and I can guess the pronunciations and I do listen but my level of practice is very very low. Perhaps if I open the door and talk to that fox outside yet signs of understanding. Much like a dog but with a different heritage. You can see that I’ve not got this all figured out. Maybe I should just be content with just skills I have mastered. Try to refine them. But a little feedback goes a long way. I guess what I want to say is is self-directed learning is wonderful in principle but it falls short. So let’s look at other things. Temperatures are back into double digits. I had this great fear at the line will start to grow again with all that is entailed. Can we just get some snow in here and slow things down a little bit. I mean, the big green machine is still parked outside but I can fix that. You know, a little push and shove, I probably get the beast inside the garage even if it has a flat tire at the moment. Anyhow we’re halfway through November and there is probably a song about that and I can say this sentence in several languages so all is good.

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