16th November 2023

Recalling pencils and shoe laces

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Some years ago I began my formal education. Actually, it was a long time ago but I did learn to count that high. I was in a big school. Three rooms, 10 grades, at almost 100 pupils. So, you ask, what do I actually recall? Well, I did own my own books. That was the rule way back then, that you had to buy your own textbooks. And they know that my mother made me wear a stupid hat because someone commented on it many years later. I remember your mother dressed you funny. Hardly the way that most of us want to be remembered. Anyhow even though I missed a great deal of school, apparently three months the first winter due to snowfall, I soldiered on and was able to lead my class of 3. But again you ask, what do I actually remember? That is simple. I remember being taken out into the hallway made to practice tying my shoes. Some things are really important to future life and heaven here lace is neatly placed in a bow was right up there. I don’t think we could have bought slip-ons and rubber boots get hot by the end of the day. Anyhow the school building still exists. Not as a school. I think they fixed cars in there now. And I have none of my original textbooks nor do I feel a need to seek them out on eBay. However, I can tie my shoes with my eyes shut tight. Prove that the educational process works. And I can hold a pencil although I rarely do. At that point we were all convinced that our pencils were actually rocket ships
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