12th November 2023

Cold and coiled

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Have you ever had that feeling where you wish you had done something earlier question nothing is substantial is I wish I’d bought apple when it was worth $0.05. No let’s go with just tasks that need to be done around the yard each year. And some of these be better done in the middle of summer. I know not terribly practical but still. Today I decided to bring the garden hose inside for the winter. Currently the temperature is still above freezing barely. And so the hose sitting there with water in it has taken on and inflexibility. I wanted to drain out as much of the water as possible before moving inside but the simple act of pulling the hose from the real stretching it out and then letting the water drain left my hands indeed of warm water. Under that app kind of warm water. I suppose if you live in a place where the weather is always warm you never get to play these games. But I live in Canada. We have seasons. And the one with all the snow is just around the corner. Yes I could leave the hose outside. I mean once it’s frozen it can’t get any worse right. Well apparently it can frozen water expands and the hose while inflexible will burst. So I’ve done my little bit and the hose is now inside and sometime tomorrow it will have warmed to the point where I can reload it onto the real and say job done for 23. No I’m not going to go to an inground system nor am I going to build a building just to hold hoses. Each year I will go out curse the fates that make things so cold at this time of year and then get busy. In passing my hands have warmed back up too a fair temperature. Fine motor control is still missing but sometime around separate time that should return. I hope. I do not want to wait for spring on that one.

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