3rd November 2023

In search of that lost chord

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From where I sit, life is just a collection of interrelated anecdotes. Here’s one. I used to collect recorded music. On cassettes from other people’s album collections. I was young and had no shame. And I collected over a number of years hundreds and hundreds of different titles. Despite my willingness to live in community life at the university I lost only one album. And I can tell you which one because that’s how I work. The title John Mayall. I know, he did a lot of different albums and I cannot tell you for sure which one but this was a double album of best hits. Required a full pair of C90 cassettes. A lot of music. And so, today, I went looking and found a documentary on his life. I lack some details but his work seems to have involved the greats of that time. Yes, Eric was among them. And now I am thinking that I should go refind the album and listen to it properly. I have the time and a better appreciation of what was going on. Maybe the album old part inspired me to do something musical. After all miracles happen. In any case if you are going through your cassette collection and you find my Mayall let me know. It was good enough that I have not forgotten it after all these decades. And all the other cassettes are gone. It would have a unique place on my bookshelf. Of course, I would have to go out and buy another cassette player that is just a detail.

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