18th October 2023

Strange noise inside the machine

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Recently we have noted that our refrigerator is trying to talk to us. A subtle little ping or plop I really don’t speak appliance so I can only guess it was trying to tell me someone made the guess that it’s getting set to die but I have a more optimistic view. Maybe it’s getting set to give birth. We could have a tiny refrigerator running around the house. They do run you know. There is an older model out in the garage, but it makes too much noise to be brought into polite company. It could save for those moments in summer when our sons need an overflow place for beer. I guess that’s why everyone keeps an extra fridge around the house. There are other appliances to make noises. For a while there we were convinced that the ping or plop was coming from the cuckoo. Maybe it was getting set to lay an egg but nothing has been found. For now, most other appliances have been behaving. I am not I’m not ready to begin that long March to replace things. Yes, I know it is inevitable, but couldn’t we have something like the good old days when your refrigerator ran until you died? Or, how about something like that dryer that my mother bought that continued to heat up and rattle the clothes around for decades. My guess is that the original company went out of business that’s not a good business model. Anyhow I keep an old manual can open around just in case. With a bit of hot water, I can live on canned beans. Not great nutrition but in case of an urgency. Anyhow I’m getting ready for the next thing to give up. And it had best not be me.

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