8th October 2023

Unlikely to be a spy

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What games did you play back when you were a child? I can remember most of mine and I do call to mind but most of them came from my exposure 2 media. What was on TV? We, meaning myself and others of my group used TV for guidance. We played westerns and we played war and we paid Treasure Island but oddly we never played spy. That was something outside of our world and outside of our interest. As I grow older I am aware that the secrets of others have value. I do want to point out that I really seek to know what those secrets might be. In other words, I am not a spy at heart. I do take the time to watch coverage of political intrigue which includes the world with spies I assume they all seem to have secrets and because we the public knows some of those secrets it goes to the heart but there are spies involved. I am particularly aware of how poorly people keep secrets. We have famous individuals who take great joy bragging about the things they have learned in their work. Not skills. Secrets. I have rarely seen airplanes that are used in war or submarines or battleships I have no information to give others. And I am fully aware that if you know about something like this, you’re not supposed to tell others who do not need to know. Unfortunately, we have certain politicians who get their joy in showing others how in the loop they are. To learn that a former president was bragging about nuclear secrets leaves me bewildered. Also, cold they realize that these are kept out of the public eye for a good reason. And if someone asked me are there secrets locally that are important, I would have to claim no. No knowledge, no exposure, no hidden information. I am not rich nor am I famous and no one has ever come to the door to ask me what I know other than the census people every five years. If I was to begin a game to play, spy versus spy would be very low on my list of subjects. I would probably be more interested in recounting the places I have been. Few in number but of intense interest to me.

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