2nd October 2023

In full view of the sun

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This is the time of the year when the earth shakes. A little. We live in an area where they cultivate potatoes and those potatoes once dug in the ground have to be carried to warehouses. In trucks that roll past my door. The fields change every year. One of those regulations by the government that keeps the field from being overused. But the roads are here and there used every season. So, when I say the earth shakes it does. A good thing I suppose. These will become food for someone. Perhaps me but not in the quantities imagined. I actually was outside working on my suntan. That also is infrequent but with the temperature high and the sun coming down and no breeze I could hardly avoid the opportunity. I no longer stay out long enough to burn unlike a lifetime ago. Rated book now I missed the dog. He was not going given to sunburn either, but he was there. And now he’s not. Even the tune lists on YouTube are somewhat melancholy. In part my fault because that’s the way my taste runs. I do not spend my days looking for new music because the older stuff works well. I watched a long documentary on an old film. A film from before I was born. The story is somewhat familiar to me but it is fun to see someone else take things and notice how many details I never saw the first or second or third time around. Maybe I will re watch the film the next time I am truly bored. Outside I can hear the sound of the hedge trimmer. We do not have a hedge, but we do have some kind of a little device they will go along and beat the leaves of grass into submission. Bringing them down to ground level before winter. I also started to review my notes and how to make the RV into an all-seasons vehicle. Dump the tanks dump the water and sit back and wait for spring. Closer than you think. Our travel will be limited as a chance of snow builds. And that is also fine with me. I have a warm house and good food and the idea of getting away from here is not on my personal reader. Send me a postcard from wherever you end up I can use that for my own dream.

This entry was posted on Monday, October 2nd, 2023 at 18:14 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 403 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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