24th September 2023

Checking my aptitude

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I have raised three children not all at the same time. Today I was left with some little people who are similar in age and I realize that there is such a thing as a critical mass. That is where you put more than one in the same room and then wait for things to erupt. And they will. Not in a major sense just an ongoing what is going to happen next sort of atmosphere. When you assume that peace have been restored another conflict will arise. Again not major conflicts just tension. The children might be similar in size and similar in rearing but they’re not the same one to the other give them the chance and they will find something that is not right in their world and so it went for most of the afternoon no way to sleep. For them I mean. That would have been useful. Don’t small children do naps anymore. The whole group were about to set off on trips to their respective homes which means several hours in confinement in the back seat of a car. I have to hope that the motion of the car will calm their spirits and that they will soon be off for dreamland. As for me I’m worn out. I’m old. For anyone who is taking a chance on seeing whether or not I would be a good grandparent, please hold on because I am not ready yet. Check back in nine or ten months time and we’ll see if things have changed. We are at the end of our visit here in the Siri and I think that tomorrow we will be on the road towards home. How long will it take? Does that really matter?

This entry was posted on Sunday, September 24th, 2023 at 19:42 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 292 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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