10th September 2023

Rainfall restauration

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Something new to learn every day. I have been living with the weather station for about two decades or more and I thought I knew most of its tricks. Today however I found the belly of the beast full of water. Let me explain. There is a rain gauge into which fresh rain falls think of it as an inverted cone. At the bottom a small hole. And this is where the problem arose for some reason the rain did not flow out the last time. It’s simply collected in the cone and when I went down to check on things, I found that I had a pot of water. No big deal. I made the mechanism flush and I listened to the tick tock of the drips falling down on the little measuring tool inside the box. Out of sight out of mind of course. But I have to mention this is the first time in two decades that I’ve had to do such a thing. I do not know what actually was in the hole at the bottom. It could be a seed or an insect or something worse. It is gone now, and I will check that cone from time to time. More thing to worry about. I keep hoping as I get older that there will be less things to fret over but that would be hoping for too much. In any case if you’re one of the people is from watching my rainfall and it seems a little odd that’s the reason the next time it rains perhaps overnight you will get an updated exact reading because the instrument is exact when it works and very very inexact when it doesn’t. I could have collected that water for other purposes but instead I let it fall on the ground somebody will profit from that or something I live in nature. And we are not in a drought season by any means

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