28th August 2023

Blinded by the light

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In the background I can hear an uptempo version of blinded by the light. That is not exactly my reality but the song will do in a pinch because I do get overcome by too much light. This evening another challenge. Half of the house is away to a meeting and I received the offer to do my own supper plate. Nothing elaborate just serve a slicer to have ham and some potato salad from the fridge. I know the plates are kept so I can do this until I can’t. Here is the thing the ham required slicing and I could easily have added digits to the mix. Not a great idea. The salad was in a store bought container that you had to unlock, as near as I could tell by touch. Yes I could have broken my way in or found an axe but usually you try to open a container the way the manufacturer designed it. I surrendered I had my plate prepared before the rest of the house cleared out. There are things that I will no longer do. Stovetop reheat is fine but I do not take out the pan and get a steak. No way to tell if I’ve actually cooked it or not unless put my hand in and burn it and we’re all taught not to do that from an early age. I can always eat fresh fruit. Like a small animal. If I lived closer to town I could phone for takeout that is not an option. Or I could drop into subsistence mode and forge for potato chips in the cupboard. Once in a while there’s a bag up there and if I don’t open it upside down all is good. As you can tell I am adapting slowly. I will not be giving courses to anyone else quite yet but the chance to talk to me about what goes on is always there. Go ahead. Call my number. I eventually will find it (the phone) by its sound.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 28th, 2023 at 21:12 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 340 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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