26th August 2023

A grain of salt

posted in Uncategorized |

Trying to keep track of restaurants is akin to playing whack a mole. In this sense where the number of holes where you can put a restaurant is a defined number but the number of people with a dream seemed to be endless. I find myself trying to describe where I would go to have a meal by giving the location except that I have not been out to many of these restaurants in a long time. Years in some cases. And as sure as I name a place the company that was there before is now gone leaving behind nothing more than a mysterious name and possibly a menu. Makes it very difficult to find where you want to go eat once you move beyond the limited menus of a fast food chain. Even there they can be known to change places. I do not understand the model of business because I’m not in that model but I am sure that there is a good reason for wanting to close and open restaurants with such frequency. After all they all serve similar things. Like fast food. So when I go to a restaurant I will suggest a location that I’ve been to before and then I will wait to learn what has happened since my last visit. Is the new restaurant at the same level as the old restaurant? Will I find items on the menu that will please me? Maybe I should just stay home and see what comes out of our kitchen. At least there i have expectations that will be realized. It is hard I imagine to keep a business open when everything around you is changing. Supply chains and staff and taxation and all the other roadblocks are placed in the path of someone wanted to offer a good table. And, I can wait for suggestions from others. I may not grow it often but others do. As for tourists please take my advice with a grain of salt. Not too much salt as that will change the taste but I realize that I do not have a clue when I’m talking about in many cases.

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