24th August 2023

Promise of a newish boat

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We’re getting a new ferry. The announcement was in the papers today which means it must be true. I need to provide some context. I live on an island. Yes we already have some ferry boats and we have a bridge but everything wears out eventually. One ferry boat purchased back when I was starting university caught fire several weeks ago and made us people needing to borrow a ferry from the neighbour. Not everyone has one spare and we will have to give back to when we borrow it. It also takes time to build a new boat or buy a new boat or whatever you do to get one so this won’t happen tomorrow think a couple of years from now. I do not take the theory very often but I do like the idea that it’s there. Sure beat swimming and driving the dragging the car along behind me. Now who pays the bills? Well we all do in one sense. This will definitely be taxpayer money. A good return on investment I would say. But to get a fairy someone has to build it and that does not happen as often as people in Canada would like to think. Most of our vessels come from Europe where they already have accustomed to build ships more than they need. Do we pay a good price for a used ferry? In the sense that we can afford it as a large prosperous nation I guess it’s not so bad no need to mortgage my house for the government to buy a fairy. And when it finally arrives there be a flag and photos just like any other big purchase perhaps perhaps not flags but you know what I mean I’m actually very happy to hear it because the bridge is going to wear out eventually and the ferries we have are all getting old and I want to know that if I need to leave for whatever reason I can do so without building a boat in my backyard.

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