24th May 2023

Once caught twice shy

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This time, my trap remained empty.

Several years ago, we caught our first, and only delivery van. Backed into our lane, misjudged the edge and put the rig rear first into a rather deep ditch, leaving the nose pointed at a rising  moon. The driver had to call in a tow service, and wait for a chance to continue the list of stops for the day. A few ruffled feathers, but all well in the end.

Today, the same driver returned.  He eluded my trap, and did stop by to remember that  first day on the job. I am sure it will be his only moment of driver shame; things like that tend to scar the soul. And he did not lose his job, obviously. Drivers, neophyte and experienced alike are in high demand, which allows a supervisor to give a “get our of jail” ticket, once.

I would not want to have a similar position of responsibility. During my days on the job, I had my own moments, and  there are probably books of things that can go wrong for new hires. Or at least lists on a wall of shame. My own first moment involved the gas cap for a boat. Without one, you cannot sail away.

Our inventory of  iPad tablets in at a new high point, as we renew devices that are flawed from use. In my case, a batter that is good for three hours max.  The new arrival will be cloned in a day or so, and I will carry on as if nothing had changed.

Windy, today. The sat dish was outside, but we wanted to close the deck doors before night, so we are still in test mode.  That will continue until we received the pole mount. Tomorrow?

And that is it, for today. My life is a chain of minor moments, and if not for a blog, they would be forgotten.

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