10th January 2021

Watching for my train (set)

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Sometimes, things just make sense. We had some new snow, last night. It covered up my green paths from yesterday. And in the logical conclusion, the local sled squad returned this afternoon. And made more paths. I’m sure the novelty will wear off, but ’21 is starting off to be all downhill.

Our choices in movie watching (given the virtual house arrest of all present) are triggered by Netflix suggestions. Today, Summerland. Actually worth the watch, if only for the coastal scenery.

I’ve started a new search, based on nostalgia. Back around ’60, my big gift for Christmas was a train set. A Lionel train set. Steam loco. Available from the local Eatons store, and shown in the seasonal catalogue, I think. I can visualize the gear (and smell the odour of the lubricating grease). Now, to actually find an image. Turns out that Lionel sold a lot (trainloads) of train sets, so I can’t easily determine the model. But I will. Colour me stubborn about things like that. Somewhere, online, there will be the answer to my question. And imagine the distraction, as I sort through all the other models, imagining what might have been.

Perhaps there’s a photo, in my mother’s archives. I can’t go there, for now, but maybe I can task one of my siblings. How to properly set the challenge? We shall see.

Back to the movie, this afternoon. While checking the movie locations, I learned that the seaside cottage also starred in one of the Potter movies (one that I haven’t seen). More trivial pursuit, ahead.


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