1st March 2024

Do we really need a new name?

Right now there is a campaign underway to rename our most important landmark. Our only landmark actually. I’m not going to get into the why or who the winners and losers might be but I wonder if anyone has considered the consequences. Tourism is important to us and if you cannot find your way here you cannot come. Down at sea level the waves all look the same and we do not have any really high points of land. Remember what I said about landmarks. I wonder if you were to change the name how people would ever get here. Now I know you’re thinking that everyone has a GPS and that all knowledge lies within. Not so. For those who wish to come here the two main options are as the question goes the bridge or the ferry. And yes the theory came first over and over and over again the bridge in sharp contrast is unique and so this is why I offer as a Plan B to simply rename the structure to the bridge. Forget your nod to history because the tourist does not care all that matters is getting here to spend your money and visit the beach. In fact you could rename the structure «Bridge to the beach» but that seems redundant. It is true trying to balance history and reality can be hard but it’s not all about the history. I want to find a way to set things up so that you only need to replace your maps one time and your GPS one time. That way the money flow can continue. To deal with the history portion simply place a very large brass plaque near the footway and make sure there are other large signs to point out where the plaque can be found. All the rest of it is just window dressing I want in future to have «The Bridge» be the name because we will not be getting a second one. Unlike big cities where new links seem to be the game we have a very small population no need for another bridge or another ferry for that matter we should keep it simple so that we can concentrate on more important things. Like the weather. Like, will the weather be nice next weekend. Will we have beach temperatures? Anyhow that’s just a thought, they will not be asking my opinion although they should.

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